Latest News New courses and workshops in Oakford

New courses and workshops in Oakford

Recall / improving your dog’s reliability on coming when called

There is a lot more to recall than just practice. We’re now running workshops in Oakford to go through the things people can go to improve the rates of recall. Psychology & tactics.

Our first workshop / seminar will be on recall; yes getting your dog to come when called or at least more reliably! The workshop will take place in Oakford; planned for a Saturday lunch time early August. This workshop is for humans as it covers the psychology of recall and training tips for you. There is only so many times you can practice recall and the key is to change strategies to improve reliability (& then practice!) The cost of this workshop is cheaper than a 1 on 1 lesson! It is suitable for any age & level of dog training; As you know there is only so much practice we can do in class but covering the theory can make the difference for many people who struggle with this area of training.  If the demand we can run a second part of the workshop (optional) a few weeks later for some practice runs if people wish to come again with their dog.Head to the Training services page for full information and bookings.


Clever but Reactive BAT training classes

Using behaviour adjustment training (BAT) principles we are now running 6 week training courses to help people with reactive dogs; these classes are for dogs that are reactive to other dogs.

We are also planning to start this course in August on Saturdays (probably around 11am). This is a 6 week course aimed at dogs who display reactive behaviour (such as aggression, frustration, fear, or other inappropriate behaviour around dogs). It is not a socialisation class; it is aimed to teach dogs how to calm down in the presence of other dogs & help them to choose more appropriate behaviours. Dogs only attend for part of the course. It is vital we train the humans so you can practice this in your day to day life. For the full schedule, prices & information see our training services page (page 2).